スウェーデンに渡り王室御用達工房Sutudio Glashyttan Ahusのスタッフとなるマイスター オート・ツインザック氏に師事
丸善 信州・高原のガラス展 第4回ホビーフェスティバル併設展『信州の風』参加
「グラススタジオ T2」を山本達也氏と設立 活動開始
丸善 安曇野ガラス作家6人展(愛知)
長野県伊那文化会館 美術展示ホール
第6回現代ガラス展 in 山陽小野田
磐田市「新造形創造館」にて「原田哲治展 ~スウェーデン・グラール技法を中心としたファンタジーの世界~」
銀座ギャラリーゴトウ 夢見るXmas展
第14回日本のガラス展 代官山ヒルサイドテラス、ヒルサイドフォーラム、エキシビジョンルーム
銀座 Xmas Art Festa 2019 ギャラリーゴトウ TROIS NOEL 夢見るクリスマス
新宿小田急百貨店 原田哲治のガラスの世界ー初夏の煌めきー
銀座ギャラリーゴトウ 原田哲治展 ガラスの中の浮遊+「Fi Ka & T」 伊藤香奈さん絵画とガラスのコラボ
他 個展多数開催
Training in Sweden
I was in Sweden as a glassblower.
There fore,I create works based on Swedish techniques that incorporate Italian techniques and japanese techniques.
about three years after,I jumped into glasswork industry from the age of 18,I wonted to see and learn more various workshops in consideration of my future and decided to quit the workshop were I worked.
At that time, Meister Arthur Zirnsack and Designer Hanne Dreutler come to have workshop and demonstration from Ahus,Southern Sweden.
Glass works made in their workshop were found of the king of Sweden and worked on the world stage as a royal purveyor workshop.
As the last big job at my work place,I supported their their events my very best.
In the meantime,Hanne and Arthur both liked me and invited me to come their workshop.
I had alreacly macle up my mind to quit to quit my work place,so even though I did not know about the country for glass after Venice,Italy.
Looking back,it was probably I was young and silly.
When I think about it now,I think I was a reckless.
Living in a foreign country means that you have to be reborn and cultivate yourself by learning the differences in food culture, customs,rules and manners.
That was hard part.But it's good.It's a life-opening lesson.
Eaven little things are the opposite of what you see in japan.
To take a simple example,if the view from your eyes charges depending on whether you are on the left or the right side of the road,you can get confused.
In japan,it's men first but I was often told that the western mainstream is ladies first.
Still,the strange thing is that we adjust after three months.
The charm of Åhus
Croos the sea from Copenhagen,Denmark to
Malmö in Sweden's southernmost region of Skåne the city of Åhus is about a two-hour drive east from there.
The vast skies,lands and forests are endless and uninterrupted and there are plenty of summer houses for people all over Europe to spend their long summer holidays.
It is popular place with tourists who go to the beach and cruise in the yacht harbor in the summer because of its oceanfront location.
It is a great place to spend time in the nature.
It was very strict as it is a workshop for the royal family,the relationship of hierarchy is very strict,and workshop is a sacred place where only selected people are allowed to enter.
That is where I was being thoroughly drilled in the basic skills by Meister Arthur,his two apprentices and his two sons.
Every weekend off,one of his apprentice worked on a piece in the Graal technique.
With the help of Meister Arthur and Hanne's arrangement, I assisted and learned this technique.
So,it was far from a peaceful stay and I was immersed in glass every day.
translation Litte Mai